>>> ULN UNCODED MESSAGE - ANALYSIS BY ZUBBEN VOX A.I. (tm) >>> SOURCE: UNITED LIBERATED NATIONS, COUNTER INFORMATION CENTER, EARTH - UNABLE TO CONFIRM >>> DESTINATION: ZUBBEN RESEARCH BASE, PLANET MARS >>> 00:34 07/12/2128 Congratulations. Your experiments are considered extremely unimportant and also highly dangerous. All experiments on Zubben must cease immediately. All personnel unnecessary for base operation must enter cryo chambers immediately. For good. We have sent the research vessel, the "USS Arizona", and it should reach you within 3 hours time. Once it arrives the crew on the ""USS Arizona"" will ""take care"" of everything. You have all done a great job. Good bye. >>> . According to my advanced A.I., the systems detect high levels of... LIES, in the message. You are free to claim more research assistants from cryo chambers on the ZUBBEN ground base for anti-"taking care". You may give the orders to wake up as soon as the """U.S.S. Arizona""" enters Martian atmosphere.