RE: EVALUATION DATE: 05 / 16 / (REDACTED) TIME: 06:30 > GG-3883 SUBMITTED FOR ANALYSIS > SUITABLE CANDIDATES SELECTED FOR EVALUATION > OBSERVATION OF CANDIDATE #12 AUTHORIZED PERMISSION TO PROCEED : GRANTED RETRIEVAL OF CANDIDATE #12's SUBMISSION: COMPLETE CRITICAL INFORMATION FOR SUCCESSFUL EXECUTION: > ENSURE HALF-LIFE IS INSTALLED ON STEAM > (NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH HALF-LIFE SOURCE) > > PLACE THE FOLDER "ECHOES" AND THE FILES "CG.DLL" AND "CGGL.DLL" > INTO THE FOLDER > ..\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\HALF-LIFE > FOR EXAMPLE > C:\PROGRAM FILES\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\HALF-LIFE > > RESTART STEAM > > RUN HALF-LIFE ECHOES VIA THE STEAM GAME LIBRARY SHORTCUT > > ENSURE SOUNDTRACK VOLUME IS SET HIGH > > ENSURE SURROUNDINGS ARE DIMLY LIT > > PREPARE FOR UNFORESEEN CONSEQUENCES TROUBLESHOOTING This mod is designed for the current Steam version of Half-Life on Windows. I cannot guarantee it will fully function any other way. Ensure that you run the game using the "Half-Life: Echoes" game library shortcut in Steam. This increases the entity limit and avoids the crash "ED_ALLOC: NO FREE EDICTS" Do not load Half-Life and change to Echoes from within the game. This will skip the command to allocate extra memory. You can set this manually if you wish, by adding -num_edicts 2048 To the Steam launch options for Half-Life: Echoes. To do this, right click on the game title, and select properties. Then go to the "General" tab, then "Set launch options". Or alternatively, add this to the Half-Life launch options: -game echoes -num_edicts 2048 Remember to remove this if you wish to play Half-Life normally. If this fails, try to load a saved game from a previous map and try to continue from there. Report any issues that cannot be fixed by the above to the moddb page.