HALF-LIFE: ECHOES Created by James Cockburn http://www.moddb.com/mods/half-life-echoes http://www.moddb.com/members/mrgnang SUPPORT AND BETA TESTING The Whole Half-Life http://twhl.info/ The Beta Testers Collective http://betatesterscollective.com/ Lewis Anderson Doug Maclean Ross Mathieson The following users at Moddb.com Trempler Gunship_Mark_II UrbaNebula Qwertyus Crypt BurnerMan Unq Solokiller GeckonCZ ENGINE AND EDITING TOOLS Spirit of Half-Life 1.5 (With various edits to source code by myself) http://www.moddb.com/mods/spirit-of-half-life VHLT compiling tools https://forums.svencoop.com/forumdisplay.php/217-Vluzacn-s-Map-Compile-Tools Jackhammer editor http://jackhammer.hlfx.ru/en/ TEXTURES AND SPRITES Nightwatch Textures http://www.moddb.com/games/half-life/addons/nightwatch-texture-pack Blood Decals http://gamebanana.com/sprites/253 HD Skyboxes https://gamebanana.com/textures/download/406 Additional Sprites https://gamebanana.com/effects/download/5753 MODELS Various models by Valve Software, Gearbox Software, Rewolf Software Gargantua by Wornz http://www.hitmodel.half-lifecreations.com/filedb/index.php?act=view&id=27 Grunts/Alien Grunts/Slaves/Hev Barney plus many others by ambient.impact and romka http://old.ambientimpact.com/downloads.htm Blue shift civilian model by arahu01 and Marphy Black http://hl-improvement.com/forums/index.php?topic=1649 Decay models by the Decay team PC port https://www.moddb.com/mods/half-life-decay Super Definition pack Hand Hacks by Enfield https://gamebanana.com/skins/29335 Gus by Ambient.Impact and Romka https://gamebanana.com/skins/77136 Zombies by Ambient.Impact, Arachnid-X, Chubbt, Fury_161, Gaming Lord, Szarak, S@bre, Romka http://hl.gamebanana.com/skins/46015 Besli's edit of Ambient.Impact's 9mm Beretta Besli's edit of Romka's M4, SPAS12 Additional model edits by Cro-man / Davor Stationary Osprey model edit by Qwertyus Barney HEV model edit to add magnum by Qwertyus Eli, Alyx and Mossman models https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=631466533 SOUNDTRACK Various replacement sounds by Valve Software, Gearbox Software Many edited / remixed by myself Additional sounds from http://www.soundjay.com/ http://www.freesound.org/browse/ All music created by Kevin MacLeod - Incompetech.com Very Low Note Anxiety Mechanolith Controlled Chaos - no percussion Controlled Chaos It is Lost Aftermath Redletter Unseen Horrors Junkyard Tribe Deep Noise Spacial Winds Bump in the Night Hush Bent and Broken Static Motion All Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Dedicated to Sam and Emma. With you, anything is possible. My gratitude to Valve Software, Gearbox Software and to all who support the modding community. Thank you for playing.